Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Due to the frequent comments of a gentleman in Berkeley, comment moderation has been enabled.

Don't worry, even opposing points of view will get approved.
It's just that I don't appreciate the anti-Semites playing dirty on my blog.
I have rather high standards in that regard. And counsel has advised me concerning posts and comments.

Oh, and that woman in the photo? Care to provide her name and address also, Stevie-pooh?

Don't even think of it, brudda.
Hows your viagra holding out?


Tzipporah said...

Except for being in Berkeley, all I can say is that most UU's are too naive to understand that anyone would actually use or advocate *violence* in support of their cause.

They really DO believe that protestors are fluffy bunnies.

GRANT!PATEL! said...

Opposing points of view will get approved? Good! Can't get any more opposed than me. I am the opposeur par excellence!

---Grant Patel

GRANT!PATEL! said...

Dammit, get oof your duff, man! Approve my comment! The world awaits my proufund insights!

---Grant Patel

GRANT!PATEL! said...


Where is it?


---Green Pronto

GRANT!PATEL! said...

Oh bugger! You're probably scarfing down your tiffin!

---Curry Wurst

solicitously amphibious said...

Oh dear...Patel Sahib is off his meds again.

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