Tuesday, June 30, 2009


The good news is that the boat filled with busybodies was stopped by the Israeli navy. The twenty olive trees and the sack of cement it was carrying will now be transported overland.

On the other hand....

Quote from a BBC article:
"The 20 passengers include former US congresswoman Cynthia McKinney and Nobel Prize winner Mairead Maguire. "

[SOURCE: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/8127145.stm]

It really is a tragedy that the Israelis are so humane. That's a Jewish characteristic.
Were it up to me, I would have torpedoed the damn boat and shot everyone of the activists that floated to the surface.
I'm very Christian that way.

Yes, dear readers, I would have dearly loved to see Cynthia McKinney's bloated corpse floating ashore somewhere on the Sinai Peninsula.
Did I already mention that in some regards I am still very Christian?

Given the monumental human suffering that the far left have been responsible for since 1917, every one of those people really should be lined up and shot.

Stalin killed tens of millions. His successors were no better.
Mao killed tens of millions, and his successors have not been that much more humane.
Fidel Castro and Ernesto Guevara were responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands.
Josif Broz Tito was an vicious thug. Ceauşescu was a psychopath. Erich Honecker passionately enjoyed killing animals, and ordered his border guards to shoot people trying to escape to the west.
European Communists unwaveringly supported violent terror in the third world, most significantly in Cambodia. Though they have since then rebranded themselves as "socialists", they still applaud the excesses of Stalin, Mao, and PolPot.
Here in the US the far left slavishly ape the Europeans in their continued support for the Venezuelan brute, the ambulatory corpse in Cuba, the petulant sexagenarian in North Korea, and the madman Mugabe.
As well as the murderers and cutthroats of Hezbollah and Hamas.

Cynthia McKinney is as loathsome and reprehensible as they come. But if she were converted to chum, she might still serve a useful purpose.

Remember, sharks are becoming endangered, and fill a valuable role in the food chain. We need the sharks.
Cynthia McKinney......? Meh, not so much.


Anonymous said...

BTW, this is the weekly summary of the Gaza crossings: 14-19 June 2009
- 674 truckloads (16,323 tons) of humanitarian aid were transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Kerem Shalom cargo terminal and the Karni conveyor belt. In addition to food, medicine and hygiene products, the following were delivered under the auspices of international organizations such as UNRWA: games, basketballs and balloons, trampolines and swimming pools, generators, air-conditioning accessories, clothing, shoes and hats, chairs, mattresses and styrofoam cups; and raw materials for paper production.

- 1.780 million liters of heavy duty diesel for the Gaza power station and 680 tons of gas for domestic use were delivered via Nahal Oz fuel depot.
- 226 Gaza residents entered Israel for medical and humanitarian reasons via Erez Crossing.

Weekly summary of the Gaza crossings: 7-13 June 2009
- 431 truckloads (10,756 tons) of food, medicines, hygiene products, tools and raw materials for essential infrastructures, blankets and mattresses, and grains - wheat, barley, corn, chickpeas, soy beans, carob, sesame seeds, and animal feed - were transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Kerem Shalom cargo terminal and the Karni conveyor belt.

- The Kerem Shalom terminal was closed June 9-11 for construction work on the new fuel pipeline from Israel to the Gaza Strip.
- 1.699 million liters of heavy duty diesel for the Gaza power station and 475 tons of gas for domestic use were delivered via Nahal Oz fuel depot.
- 305 Gaza residents entered Israel for medical and humanitarian reasons via Erez Crossing.

Unknown said...

20 olive trees, huh? Did someone in Gaza order them or is it simply a surprise present? I guess the meaning is just too deep for me, but if I were a Gazan, one of the last things I would want right now is an olive tree from America (or anywhere). O.K., I can see that a good bag of cement is a handy thing to have... especially because it can be used to make a tunnel.

With high priority items like those, I'm sure that a lot of Gazans must be very put out and disappointed over the delay caused by the Israeli navy. I can just imagine the Israeli captain:

"So, Shmuel, what did we get?"

"You won't believe this, Captain, a bag of ready-mix and some trees."

"That's it, Shmuel, we shlep our ass out here to engage a boat and that's all we got? A choleria on all of them!"


Anonymous said...

The truth: This year over 366,282 tons of aid and over 45.693 million liters of fuel have been delivered to the Gaza Strip.
Just last week, 674 truckloads (16,323 tons) of humanitarian aid were transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Kerem Shalom cargo terminal and the Karni conveyor belt. In addition to food, medicine and hygiene products, the following were delivered under the auspices of international organizations such as UNRWA: games, basketballs and balloons, trampolines and swimming pools, generators, air-conditioning accessories, clothing, shoes and hats, chairs, mattresses and styrofoam cups; and raw materials for paper production.

Swimming pools and trampolines. Oh those brutal and genocidal Israelis. Don't they know that trampolines are unsafe for children?

Anonymous said...

A single bag of cement? Is Hamas going to give some poor soul the old Mafia-style "cement over shoes" treatment? Are they tired of just throwing them off of buildings?


SF Meter Maid said...

Cement shoes? How CYNICAL of you to says so! Such methods are NOT customary in Gaza!

To demonstrate, here are two videos of culturally appropriate applications of justice by the Harakat al Mukawamma al Islamiyya:

Fatah member taken out and shot by Hamas
Clickably: Democracy in action

Several Fatah members being executed by Hamas - and do please note the lovely day! It was so 'festive'.
Clickably: Beautiful justice

See? Clean and quick. This is how parking infractions are dealt with over there. None of that pussy-ass heavy fine or stern warning shit.

The back of the hill said...

Good heavens! Cement shoes? Parking infractions?

You two are far too snide and bitter. Clearly these were exceptional cases, not mere bagetelles - longtime parking scofflaws at the very least.

One has to wonder how cost-effective such methods are, however. Was it truly a good use of donated European funds? Did they at least bill the families for the lead, and the wear and tear on the equipment?

Anonymous said...

My mother always said "Liars need good memory"

"Reports differ even from within the Free Gaza organization as to what the ship, ostensibly sent to provide moral support for the Hamas regime in Gaza, is carrying. Ramzi Kysia, a Free Gaza organizer, said that each of 21 passengers was carrying a kilogram of cement, an olive tree sapling, a water purifier, school materials and construction tools. Other Free Gaza sources say that there are 20 saplings on board and one "symbolic" bag of cement. Foreign media reports leading up to the attempted maritime infiltration claimed the 21 activists were bringing three tons of medicine and other humanitarian aid. "


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