Friday, April 24, 2009


A recent news article from the Netherlands states that the oldest piece of writing ever from that part of the world (29 CE) is a loan document.

I accept that my people were filing commercial documents nearly twenty centuries ago - it fits with everything I know about the Dutch.


"The oldest piece of written text ever found in the Netherlands has turned out to be about a loan --- made by a slave called Carus
The text --- was originally thought to be about a cow.

But now experts at Oxford University have dated the text to February 23, 29 AD and say it concerns a loan made by Carus to an unnamed third party and witnessed by a number of others, including a high-ranking Roman army officer.
[end quote]

Cows, loans, and dating?

Red tape and dairy run deep in that lot.
Beware of Dutchmen bearing beef.

I wonder if the 'unnamed third party' paid the loan back in full.
If not, there should be consequences.

1 comment:

Stan, who is known as Loretta said...

Let's hear it for the Romans: a slave could make a loan. Of course, somewhere in Holland someone is probably collecting interest from a loan made by his Father's father's father's father's father's father's father's father's father's father's...

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