Tuesday, April 28, 2009


In fact, judging by the angry protests from International ANSWER and the good citizens of the People's Republic of Berkeley, non-Arab Muslims are probably not even human, definitely not worth your concern.

Angry protests - what angry protests?

Exactly. There were none. There have been none. There will be none.
International ANSWER and the good citizens of Berkeley have shown themselves INFINITELY more concerned with Palestinians (Arabs) than with any number of Chechens, Somalis, Sudanese or Thais.

Chechnya: between 30,000 and more than 100,000 war dead - 1994 to present.
Somalia: hundreds of thousands dead - 1991 to present.
Sudan: Over 300,000 dead, over 2 million displaced - 2003 to present.
Thai Muslims: Over 3,500 dead since 2004.

[The three southern provinces of Thailand - Narathiwat, Yala and Pattani - were annexed by Siam in 1902. The natives are not Thai, and speak Malay. Thai and Malay are not even linguistic relatives, let alone in any way mutually intelligible. The cultural differences are just as large as the linguistic differences.]

Berkeley does not protest these deaths. International ANSWER ignores the dead Muslims of Chechnya, Somalia, Sudan, and Thailand.
The dead Muslims that make both Berkeleyites and International ANSWER folks rabid have ALWAYS been Arabs. Only Arabs. No one else but Arabs.

Chechens are not Arabs. So no outrage.
Somalis and Sudanese are far too dark, why they're quite Negro-looking! No outrage.
Thai Muslims are little brown people, and not worth any outrage whatsoever.

It is axiomatic that Berkeley and International ANSWER will never engage in mass-action on behalf of Muslims who are not Arabs, will not boycott as a protest, will not threaten people on campus, will not write to their politicians, will not hold rallies, will not, in fact, do anything at all.
Over a hundred thousand dead Chechens are just not something to get excited about, several hundred thousand dead Africans are rather inconsequential, thousands of dead Thai Muslims are manifestly minor in the grand scheme of things.
Oh, and they aren't Arabs, so they're just not worth it.
They're garbage.


Ari said...

Yes. And the soft bigotry of low expectations.

Unknown said...

You know, that was always in the back of my mind... I'm glad you said it. How do we explain this phenomenon except by saying that the strident citizens of Berkeley are suckers... suckers for the Arab PR that they bought hook, line and sinker? Oh ye intelligentsia, ye complex thinkers... can I sell you some aluminum siding? How about some creme to make your cellulite disappear and hair sprout on your bald pates?


Ari said...

No freedom of the press? No freedom of religion? Capital punishment or dismemberment for petty theft and carnal crimes? Patriarchy? Jihad against all non Muslims? Well, that's just the way they are. They are underdogs, after all. We have more important political fish to fry, don't we? "Resistance" against Joos, for instance.

Patsies and useful idiots, these poor souls are.

This comment has been removed by the author.

Over a billion Muslims, of which half are Arabs. Fifteen million Joos, of which half are Israelis.

Oh yes, those odds are not in favor of the resistance. Sixty years later, they're still quaking.

No wonder it takes an entire committee to cut off the head of one weak and tied-up captive.

But Berkeley has a weakness for highly ineffective people. Makes them feel superior.


And I'm not even gonna mention white liberals trying to get over their own horrible history by excoriating everything that looks to white or western. Cleansing oneself by purging. I don't want to delve into the bingeing that lead to this. But it is pathological behavior, with no rational component.


There's also a nasty taste of holier-than-thou attitude. "we're better than that bunch, coz we have a highly developed sense of guilt."
Sensitive equals superior.

It's not about Muslims, or even about Arabs. It's about self-satisfied priggish glow-in-the-dark intellectuals having a need to show how virtuous they are. The Arabs are distinctly secondary, and bugger the third world - Goddam those folks if they dare push white libby out of the lime light.

See, Palestinians lend themselves to that, and satisfy a need. Those others, well, who the heck even knows who they are, or where they were?
It's marketing and demand.

GRANT!PATEL! said...

Snooky, bug up your farmyard animal mutch?

Is this related to those lovely people across the bay in Berkeley?
Oh wait, yes it is.
Never mind.

---Gradical Prhetorical

GRANT!PATEL! said...

All Muslims are expendable, by the way.

---Grunt Pungalloon

Anonymous said...

Anyone know how the Berkeley goons and groups such as answer reacted during the Iranian Hostage Crisis? That is a Muslim country too. Not too mention that Iran backs Hamas and Hezbollah. Hmmmm...do they make an exception for Iranians, or are they ignorant enough to think that Iran is part of the Arab world?

Anonymous said...

Ordinarily I would wonder how they would react to Chechen terrorists killing Russian schoolchildren in Beslan. But Berkeley goons and the rest of the the far left are far too uneducated to know of that atrocity.

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