Friday, April 03, 2009


The usual once a month taunting of the you-know-whats today.
Five to six PM at the customary place.
Dusk begins at 6:25 PM. So there is plenty of time, but feel free to leave early if you have to.

NOTE: Both the Mechaber and the Rama (Orach Chaim 233.1) agree that it is permissible to daven teffiles mincha after sh'kia. The Mishne Brura avers lechatchila that it is better to daven teffiles mincha BEFORE sh'kia, and lechatchila on top of lechatchila, better at the proper time (before sh'kia) WITHOUT a minyan than after sh'kia with a minyan. Many people nevertheless have the custom of davening after sh'kia with a minyan (and remember, we are enjoined not to be poresh min ha tzibbur, which means that at times we also have to avoid being poresh mi darchei tzibbur).
However, and this is important, Rav Soloveitchik maintains that the Rama meant this leniency only for weekdays - not erev shabbes. On erev shabbes, sh'kia marks the beginning of bein hashmashot, at which time all melacha must cease. And to be on the safe side, it might perhaps even be best to put the boundary eighteen minutes before sh'kia, davka as one does with candles.

Think of it as street theatre.
Really, what else did you have planned for the cocktail hour?


GRANT!PATEL! said...

Speak like English!

---Graxome Prudentish

GRANT!PATEL! said...

Wait, wait, let me guess - this is the monthly "Taunting Of The Bulls"?

Red Bulls in Black Face?

Okay, run 'em oputta town. Beware their horns and hoofs.

---Frumiant Bandersnatch

GRANT!PATEL! said...

Especially the frizzy-haired bull that leered at Snooky last time. That should have been me.

I do not have frissy hair. And I have a most enchanting leer. Precisely and exactly like Rajesh Khanna.

---Bullwinkle van Dykenot

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My plan today is to get out of the house relatively early for chores and lunch, then relax with my pipe in the alleyways, avoiding the touri...