Monday, April 06, 2009


Private 1st. class Azdin Chadli (42nd Armored Infantry Battalion, Royal Dutch Military) was killed Monday by the Taleban, in a rocket attack on the Dutch military base in Uruzgan. He is the nineteenth fatality since the beginning of this mission in 2006

Sources (in Dutch):

Why am I mentioning this?

Because his name betrays him as a non-native citizen of the Netherlands, what is called an 'allochtoon'. In other words, one of those people who many native Dutch (the 'autochthonous' population) damn and despise. As has been infuriatingly evident on almost every Dutch internet forum for over a decade.

Since the immigration of Turks and Moroccans to the Netherlands, the native talent for xenophobia has flourished as never before.
Must have something to do with the 'zuilen'-mentality.

[Zuilen = pillars: closed social and societal groups, such as Catholics, Protestants, Foreigners. In the old days, many people seldom came into regular contact with people outside their own 'pillar'. The reason why it is called a pillar is to emphasize the vertical nature of the construct; from the educated at the top to the impoverished and illiterate at the bottom - people who would rather do business with, patronize the services of, and associate in any manner, with others of their ilk. While trying to ignore as much as possible the existence of everyone else.]

There is a condolence register here:

Private First Class Azdin Chadli was twenty years old.
Born on November 2, 1988. Resident of Uden, in North Brabant.
He liked soccer, going out, and just chillin'.
His interests were law enforcement and the military

I wonder what the usual chorus of bigots and nativists will say about his death. Probably nothing, because for some odd reason, they always focus on the worst examplars of whatever group they despise, not the best. The majority, good people, are usually invisible.

Rest in peace, fellow-Brabander, rest in peace.


Telmac said...


That actually sucks.


That actually sucks.

Unknown said...

I don't know much about the Netherlands, but I understand that the PFC was a rarity for doing what he did and being where he was. I believe that made him a good man. We need all good men and I'm saddened by the early death of one good man who could have made a difference in an expected lifetime. At the very least, the PFC deserves a military salute: Ave atque vale, te salutamos!

GRANT!PATEL! said...

Claim the good ones as your own. Bollocks all others.

---Grant Patel

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