Friday, April 03, 2009


In many ultra frum circles, the sound of a woman, even the sight, and everything that is of a woman, is considered damaging.

Personally, I cannot fathom this.

If the choice is between looking at a dewy teenager and a bearded old git, you may take it as a given that I will observe the dewy young thing every time. And it is a great pleasure to do so.

Baruch Atah Adonai Eloheinu, Melech ha Olam, shekacha lo b'olamo!
[ " .... Who has such beautiful things in His universe."]

If you do not say this upon returning home and seeing your significant other every day, something is wrong.


SORIPS said...

Why Jesus?

Anonymous said...

Quite wrong and remarkably non-intuitive. Kol Isha necessarily interferes with Kavanah when Davenng, thus making Mechitzah a necessity. we, as men have remained, roughly the same sine the days of Moshe Rabbanou. As my younger friends say, "dogs be dogs." It has ever been thus but sometimes one has to daven with complete Kavanah, like Zen, but more advanced.

Shabbat Shalom


Telmac said...

It would only apply that one should not say this if one's significant other is old and disgusting. If one wishes to further understand this, look up "when you are old and grey" by tom lehrer on youtube.

Telmac said...

Also I have a new post on my blog. Please look.

pavelaw said...

Now I understand why those aren't my chosen circles.

lyrically amphibious said...

I suppose the concept of "kol isha" is not to be confused with "Kalija", the song by Hank Williams.

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