Friday, April 17, 2009


Bright news out of the Netherlands, for a change.

A Dutch consumer rights group promoting a ban on Israeli goods is planning to take legal action against one of the Netherland's largest Jewish institutions for alleged "abuse" of the postal system. The Jewish group denies foul play.

[Editorial interruption: It is not entirely clear what action they can take, as the alleged foul play is strictly according to their own playbook.]

Peace, which is advocating a boycott of Israeli goods from the West Bank, says the umbrella group for the Jewish Orthodox communities in the Netherlands, NIK, deliberately caused it losses of thousands of euros.

[Denied by the NIK, and with excellent reason.]

Pro-Israel boycott group: Dutch Jewish leadership 'abusing' our postal system

"For two weeks now we have been receiving empty envelopes which we put out for people to support our campaign,"

Peace argues that NIK did this by using its Web site to encourage people to send thousands of Peace's prepaid envelopes through a mailing service that allows anyone to send mail to certain organizations at no charge, since the organizations pay the postal fees after delivery.
"For two weeks now we have been receiving empty envelopes which we put out for people to support our campaign," said Peace chairman Joost Hardeman. "We of course had to pay for this traffic. This illegal manipulation by NIK of the Royal Mail service has forced us to cancel our mail arrangement, and we are preparing a lawsuit against them to cover our costs."

The Amsterdam-based group is also planning to take legal action against two operators of pro-Israel Web sites, including a blog, that advertised Peace's prepaid mailbox.

Ruben Vis, secretary general of NIK, confirmed that the address of Peace's prepaid mailbox was posted on his organization's site, but said that was part of a report about Peace's claims that the Israeli Embassy was pressuring a publisher to drop a pro-boycott ad campaign. The embassy has denied this.

"Certain individuals may have decided to mail back to Peace their own prepaid envelopes, but NIK is certainly not involved," Vis said.

Hardeman, who is Jewish and says he supports Israel but opposes its occupation of Palestinian land, said Peace will nonetheless attempt to show NIK is to blame for "the abuse of the mail system."

[Editorial interruption: Joost Hardeman may very well be a classic self-hating Jew. That type often collaborates with anti-Semites, Jew haters, and anti-Israel action groups. This blog does not know Joost Hardeman, and while we are fully prepared to despise him and his entire circle, we reserve judgment; more research is needed.
We do hope, however, that the bastard never enter the US, and have ill-luck and misfortune all of his days - consider these sentiments as a glorious gasp of whatever remains of my Christian fellow-feeling (not a significant factor in my mental make-up, largely due to the repulsive xenophobia and hatred of other beliefs evinced by the 'fine Christians' among whom I lived while a temporary resident of the Netherlands. I'm still furious at my classmates for telling me on a daily basis that I was going to hell, and at their parents for encouraging their brats to believe that it was virtuous to voice that sentiment.]

The Israel Products Center, a Netherlands-based online store specializing in Israeli goods, recently complained to the Dutch advertising ombudsman organization that Peace's campaign against Israeli products has caused it financial damages because it directly targets their livelihood and brand.

[Source: ]



It seems obvious to this blogger that Hardeman's odious clique got shafted by their own doing. Fitting, even, that their own prepaid envelopes be used PRECISELY as intended - to send them a message.

Considering the well-deserved reputation the Dutch have for being money-grubbing skinflints, penny-pinchers, and hard-nosed financialists, this result is particularly delicious.

[Jaja, beste Nederlanders, wat betreft handel and financiën zijt gij allen berucht omwille uw wrekkigheid, gierigheid, en ethische mankementen. Dat is al vele eeuwen bekend. Meer nog dan zelfs Lombardiërs en Schotlanders. Maar ulieden beschouwen dat van uzelven natuurlijk als een prijzenswaardige nuchterheid, wijl ge het toch van anderen met gene gratie veelt. Tismewat. Tsja.]

And regarding boycotts, this blogger is more likely to purchase products if they are of Israeli origin than of European origin - excepting tobacco products and Irish whiskey.
Reason being that I would much rather support those who are on our side, than those who have spent the years since world wars one and two calling us names and damning us for not being exactly like them - a European habit which anyone who has lived there will recognize as the single cultural characteristic which unites Europeans. Without that hatred for America, they might have nothing at all in common, at least not to the degree that it makes them all warm and gushy inside.

[Well, except soccer, that is. Nothing is quite so charmingly European as a full-scale soccer riot, especially one that causes thousands of Euros of damage, and fills holding cells and hospital emergency rooms to overflowing.
These are admirable manifestations of European excellence, and splendid spectacles besides.]

I truly hope that the envelope thing puts the boycott-bastards out of business.


GRANT!PATEL! said...

All perfectly legal. It is neither here nor there how one uses such an envelope, the key factor is that the destination is predetermined, the postage thereto paid.

---Grant Dakwallah

Spiros said...

For a while, at the beginning of Shrub's first term in office, the Republican Party Central Committee was inexplicably sending me (a life-long Democrat who later switched to the Green Party) fundraising solicitations with pre-paid return envelopes; I took great pleasure in stuffing said envelopes with newspaper accounts of the latest depradations of the Bush Regime and returning them to sender. It was kind of satisfying, in a very petty way.

Anonymous said...

All I can say to the Dutch is,"O.K., you win. Your loony left is FAR loonier than even our loony left ." ou don't suppose that will hurt Code Pink's feelings, do you?


Grand Rapids Girl said...

Tsja, de gebruikelijke hatelijke onzin is vandaag weer in overvloed in de reacties of de site van het Algemeen Dagblad.
Niet over bovenstaand oderwerp of zo, gewoon weer effe lekker klieren over Amerikanen.

Zie hier:

Enkele citaten:
"En op dit soort tuig zitten wij niet te wachten in het MO. Rot lekker op"
"Dat valt in Amerika natuurlijk niet goed omdat dan gerespecteerde politici de bak indraaien, in plaats van een paar naamloze CIA agenten"
"Wat een hypocriet volk is het toch, die Amerikanen"

Ik begin onderhand ook flink te balen van die Nederlanders. Ben blij dat ik daar niet ben geboren. Ze mogen stikken.

Dusty said...

This reminds me.
The We hate Israel folk are Giving out free " Why we hate Israel and why you should too" organizing kits for the asking- it costs $8.25 for them to mail it, plus the cost of the goodies inside.
Send away for yours today. Hundreds of us have already.

What will you do with your organizing kit?
Lets compare.
I plan on using mine to kindle my Lag B'Omer bonfire.

Grand Rapids Girl said...

En dan wel had ik deze artiekel nog niet eens gezien:

Citaat daaruit:
"Als iemand de Amerikaanse burgers heeft beïnvloed dan het is wel Giuliani en die verrotte Bush-regering met hun leugens over massavernietigingswapens in Irak. Ik heb nooit gehoord dat hij daar zijn excuses voor heeft aangeboden." (Gerard Spong)

Het gehalte aan giftig Nederlandse rotkomentaar daaronder gaat natuurlijk alle perken te boven. Me dunkt dat we alle kontakten met die kleingeestige kaaskoppen maar zouden moeten verbreken. Met zulke vrienden heb je geen vijanden nodig.

ADDRIE said...

Gezien het hoog gehalte aan stupiditeit, bigotrie, en anti-Semitisme op Nederlandstalige fora ben ik al begonnen met Nederlandsche produkten te boycotten.

Ik raad dat andere Amerikanen ook aan - tijd om Heineken en Amstel opzij te zetten, Philipsprodukten te mijden, en Shell te bankroeten.

Die foute geluiden uit dat haatvolle kikkerlandje moeten maar eens ophouden.

Anonymous said...

Most comments here are full of hate. All's fair in (love and) war obviously, and Israel is at war, so the truth is neither here nor there??

The back of the hill said...

My dear Anonymous, the truth is on our side. For a near-complete absence of truth, you should visit the weblog of Anja Meulenbelt.

For a thorough view into the dark heart of European anti-Semitism and evil, nothing beats it.

And, if you consider anti-Zionism to be no more than an acceptable political point of view, here's what Judea Pearl had to say about it: "Anti-Zionism earns its racist character from denying the Jewish people what it grants to other collectives (e.g. Spanish, Palestinians), namely, the right to nationhood and self-determination."

We shall win. You may bank on it.

Anonymous said...

(From last anonymous)
Dear 'The back side of the hill',
I totally agree with 'the right to nationhood and self-determination' for Jewish people too.
That right has nothing to do with the hate that drips off this blog, and also has nothing to do with your very clear warlike stance.
Replying to my previous comment by putting words into my mouth, and with quotes from other people (that I've never met), is cheap manipulation.
But I guess nothing (not even the truth itself, if anyone can know it) can change your idea that 'the truth is on our side'.

The back of the hill said...

My dear repeat Anonymous,

Hate? What hate? There is no hate in the post, save ire (dat woord dient ge op te zoeken in een woordenboek, beste Eurootje) which is well-deservedly aimed at the Dutch.

Having lived there as a "vuile rot jenkie" during my childhood, I do however know of hate. That describes sixteen years of putting up with the curses and insults that classmates and neighbors standardly aimed at me and other Americans with the misfortune to live in that intolerant bigoted country. Vicious, cold, and close-minded describes the Dutch social landscape perfectly.

But hate? No, not from me. Nor do I see any hate directed at any ethnicity or culture other than the Dutch (and the Republicans, as in the second comment above).

Now, 'warlike stance' - that's mighty rich when you consider the "kill the Jews" rhetoric of most of the Arab world, most Palestinian organizations, and most of the European left wing.
Neither I, nor most of the people I know, are in any way warlike. We desire no more than that Israel be allowed to exist in peace, in security, without constant threats from radicals, jihadis, and European left-wingers intent on finishing what the Germans, Ukrainians, Russians, and even the Spaniards, French, English, Dutch, Italians, have so long been trying to accomplish.

There is no warlike stance here, merely a cold realism.
And truth may be something that you are not familiar with.

Have you, by the way, even read any of the other posts on this blog? Or did you merely come upon this one by chance, without realizing that there is more here than just the one post?

The back of the hill said...

In order to see the whole blog, click on the banner (where it says "At the back of the hill
Warning: If you stay here long enough you will gain weight! Grazing here strongly suggests that you are either omnivorous, or a glutton. And probably like cheese-doodles. You have been warned."

Or click here: atboth


You will note that this blog started in October 2005. It is now October 2009. There have been well over a thousand posts. The one under which you are commenting dates from April of this year. Five months have gone by since then, and the discussion has moved on. Feel free to join in on a more recent post - the chance that someone other than myself will see your thoughts will be considerably greater.

Anonymous said...

It is extremely interesting for me to read that article. Thank you for it. I like such topics and anything connected to this matter. I would like to read more soon.

Anonymous said...

moet controleren:)

Anonymous said...

Don't stop posting such stories. I love to read blogs like this. BTW add some pics :)

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