Wednesday, November 01, 2023


Rabbit rabbit. If whatsername on teevee was an Anglo, she'd hand everyone a rabbit on her show each month. Maybe she does. Don't know. It's a mystery. I do not watch her, never have. Talk shows are for idiots. Exceptions possibly being the ones that have British comedians reacting to weird things and American craziness.

One of my coworkers years ago listened to the show every day; it always sounded dull. That was the same place where someone else after an entire year of speaking to me daily had a hard time remembering my name.

That office had a fabulous law library.
It was seldom used for anything.
Mid-day naps, possibly.
Sadly, the greasy spoon on the ground floor of that building, which had wonderful heart-attack bacon cheeseburgers, closed a while back. I fondly remember lazily indulging in an oozing double handful, then needing to wash my mits and face. It has been replaced by artisanal pizza and salads. Which means that there is broccoli on the premises now.

White people cooking broccoli is not what dreams are made of.
Nightmares, cold sweat, and waking up screaming.
Fellow Anglos, stop doing that.

Man, those burgers were good!

Rabbit rabbit.

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