Wednesday, November 15, 2023


The bus stalled at Sacramento and Kearney for forty minutes during rush hour because some very important people needed to eat. It could have broken down because the battery was nearly depleted after waiting at Sacramento and Kearney for several motorcades to pass. Because some very important people needed to eat. There was a very real danger of that between Stockton and Leavenworth on Sutter (detour) because some very important people needed to eat. As it laboriously climbed Leavenworth on the way back to Sacramento, I prayed that it had enough power as stumbling up hill with my legs, and my groceries, would have been horrible, because some very important people needed to eat. And it was raining.

Legs. Slopes. Groceries. Rain. Darkness.
Important people masticating.

It made it. The antennas got reconnected. The important people presumably ate.

What is this, the goldarn third world? Central buggery America? Couldn't they have stayed in Kuala Lumpur or Bangla-bleeding-desh for that?
To be honest, I am overjoyed that very important people got to partake of some scrumptious nom-noms in our city in the sparkling company of other important people, without having to mix with the hoy polloi. I myself had a meal earlier in a pleasant environment distinctly without much of the hoi or polloi. It was nice. Should do that more often.

I feel like I should compose a strongly worded letter to the editor.

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