Thursday, November 02, 2023


Once a week I head over to a restaurant where in addition to pretty darn decent set lunches, chachanteng style, they also do a good kongsi saam man ji. They know me there. And they are still inexpensive. Which means that a lot of geezerinos like the place.

It's surprising how young some of us geezerinos are.

Some are mid twenties and thirties, even.

Geezertude strikes at any age.
It is quite likely that the regulars at many of my favourite places are somewhat neurotic. Routine rather suggests that. Besides the fond sense of "going down to the club" that I suspect comes into play for many of us.

A nearby business is going on vacation for an entire month.
This will discomfit numerous people.

Including a little girl who loves paper wrapped cupcakes (紙包蛋糕 'ji baau daan gou'), than which, in her exuberant young mind, there is nothing finer to be had.
I feel for her, and wonder how she will cope.

The applecart of routine will be out of whack for a while.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.


Anonymous said...

“ kongsi saam man ji “

What does this phrase translate into?

Also, are you referring to VIP regarding the temporary closure? Asking for a friend.

The back of the hill said...

公司三文治 ('kongsi saam man ji'): Club sandwich, which is very popular at HK chachantengs, with French fries (薯條 'syü tiu').

No, the temporary closing is the New Hollywood (荷里活茶餐廳 'Ho lei wut cha chan teng') on Pacific. Reopens in December. Good for tomato porkchop and rice, chicken and salt fish fried rice, and darn good HK milk tea. Been going there since the nineties. Their bakery selection has sadly shrunk because of the pandemic.

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