Monday, November 06, 2023


My apartment mate, before she left for work this morning, wanted to give me money for food or a taxi ride because I've got an appointment for the latest booster in Chinatown. And of course I refused; "it's just a short busride away, I'll be fine, I can do this". She objected.
"I don't want you to get lost in Chinatown, confused and perhaps discombobulated".
Again I demurred. "you know, I've done it before".

"I just don't want you to be lying there all green and slimy, with all those ladies passing you on the pavement, wondering if it's a frog or a big edible gecko, does it belong to anybody, is it free, why is this slimy thing here?"

"Who does this sick nasty creature belong to? You might need a snack!"

Upshot: I assured her that I'd be fine, I knew how to get there and back, and I was planning on eating and had plenty of funds for all of it. I did not need any help. But thank you.
She left, with an umbrella, grumbling.
Naturally I am looking forward to my snack. Early lunch. I've been eating in Marin for a few days, I need some real grub. Perhaps something with mustard greens. Or bitter melon.
Or delightful little cabbages, fatty pork, and chives.

I suppose white guys do get lost in Chinatown.

Twenty (or twenty four) blocks, densely packed, lots of foot traffic, confusing signs that say something like "dumplings", "Walgreens", "clinic" or "shop here now". It's so confusing. We're used to the wide open spaces, where the only texts visible for several blocks are "burgers", "seven 11", and "oil change". The Midwest. Marin. Vast thundering herds of cattle placidly chewing their cud and making no sudden moves.

We startle easily, and are often thrown, we caucasian fellows.
She's Chinese American. Naturally we worry her.
We're quivering green things.

Very likely, after the booster, I'll visit my bank at the other end of Chinatown before lunch.
I hope I can easily find it, eight blocks away. Might get lost. Oh, the hardship!

Yeah um. She's the one with no sense of direction.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
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