Saturday, June 17, 2023


Two tests; one at the beginning of the week, negative. One an hour before I should have been on the bus to work, positive. Well shoot. Of course with the symptoms of a bad cold for a couple of days, and my apartment mate coughing like topsy in the other room, that was to be expected. Fortunately neither of us are dying. Her symptoms have been slightly worse than mine, and she has manifested it for longer. This apartment has been noisy in consequence. Mostly from her room.

The drip is universal. But the vertigo is entirely mine.

Her sense of taste was wanky for a few hours.

I've thoroughly enjoyed sambal.

Not much appetite.

So naturally, to keep myself entertained and in order to not aggrevate her during this period of house-boundness, I used paint on the computer to escape.
It's warmer in the picture than here in San Francisco. Middle eighties there, just around sixty here. Feels like barely above freezing. It's not so much a greater sensitivity to cold, or any aching -- quite minor -- as it is heightened physical irritability.

The body just doesn't feel happy.

There is tingling.

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