Friday, June 09, 2023


Because Pat Robertson shuffled off the mortal coil yesterday, and gleet-Jayzus lizard Donald Trump got indicted, there will be both despondency and gibbering extremist rhetoric among the poisonous old troglodytes in the back room today. I myself will just dreamily float through it all enjoying their indignation and sputtering, because this will be rather nice.
I hope at least one of them is hospitalized with acid indigestion.
Possibly after soiling himself.

Just remember boys, I'm a good Christian, I'll forgive you all.
After you've died in agony.
I expect that they'll all be bubbling blobs of toxic sludge, like Mark Levin, pictured above, wandering around both constipated from clenching furiously, and dairrhea stained.
As, I hope, will be many other Republicans.

Their lives have just not been the same since Epstein died.
The kids are grown and can't be infected anymore.
Miserable bloodsucking reptiles.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.


Anonymous said...

Now that’s funny, especially the Levin part. Seriously though, how do you *really* feel?

The back of the hill said...

Mean spirited and very Christian.

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