Thursday, June 08, 2023


He was an evil son-of-bitch who lived far too long, and the world is a better place now that he's dead. His heritage sould be expunged. In several ways he represented the evil side of Christianity. As do his followers.

He was a repulsive mean-spirited profoundly disgusting man.

And the Southern Baptists are stained by him.

They were loathsome already.
More than many other things, raw festering sewage like Pat Robertson are what make me despise Christianity and most Christians. My Calvinist ancestors fought the Catholics as well as other alleged Calvinist sects, but what they really should have done is drown the damned Puritans when they first took to the water. The world would have been a better place if their boat had sank. Extreme forms of Anglo Christianity have been inimical to progress for four centuries now, we could have stifled that in its infancy.

Anyhow, I'm glad he's dead.

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