Monday, June 19, 2023


There are times when the early morning light coming through the blinds in the teevee room does things to my eyes, and dislocates focus. Things shimmer at the edges. It's probably an excess of stimuli overloading the circuits, but I'll need to read up on this. There are no phenomena which I am the first to experience.

Opening up paint on the computer and putzing around certainly doesn't help, though. I have mental tunnel vision when I do that for more than a minute or so. It's like when I'm reading and don't register those footfalls coming closer, the breathing, cloth crinkle sounds, the jangling of all the cowbells and whistles .....

"Would you like a cookie?"

Commence with the loud startled screaming.

I'm not sure but I think I hiccough less than most people. In any case it doesn't last long.
Y'all incredibly noisy, you know that? It's very disturbing.
Has anyone ever told you that?

It's probably a spectrum thing.
When a car crashes in the forest and you can't call AAA, did it really happen? And does your insurance company need to know? Just tell them a bear broke in and jacked the vehicle, surely that's covered?

Here in California, bears are within hiking distance almost everywhere. They cross the border from Oregon at night, swimming the Klamath river with their meagre belongings tied on top of their floppy cloth sunhats. Binoculars, fanny packs, belt wallets, crow bars for breaking into cars parked at picknic sites in National forests .....

It's a real problem. They start marijuana farms in Humboldt and throw empty beer cans everywhere. Probably can't buy Bud Light anwhere outside of Portland.

Don't ever go camping in the dark.
Or use salmon body wash.

You can probably tell that I'm finely attuned to nature. The painting above captures the blobs and smears so plentiful out in the wilds, where there are rattlesnakes, rabid coyotes, poison ivy, hemlock, scorpions and brown recluse spiders, mountain lions, stoned hippies, berserk trailer park dwellers, and political operatives of all types. Plus vegans and wild boys.

And no coffee.

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