Monday, June 12, 2023


Feeling a bit under the weather today. So I didn't do what I wanted to do today a few days ago. Dumplings. Might do that some other day, or not. The dumpling place won't go away in that time. The under the weather weather will. We are having splendid March weather in SF presently. No, Mark Twain never said what everyone attributes to him about summer in San Francisco, that was Horace Walpole about London.

And it's been repeated so long and so often that it's developed mold.

In any case, I'm not hungry, nor my usual sparkling social self.

And you can stop laughing, because I'm really a sparkling social beast, normally. I like to see what the humans are up to, as well as what bad food choices are made at other tables. "Hah, potstickers just don't go with Christian Louboutin, what WERE they thinking?!?! Vulgarians! Heathen! Suburbanites!" Limp soggy browned noodles go with Christian Louboutin.
In case you were wondering.

In any case, I can just imagine what lunch would be like at in that dumpling and noodle shack at the base of a cliff in Norway during a freezing March, subjected to chill winds blowing in off the North Sea. I don't actually have to leave the house for that. Everything in Scandinavia tastes of cold weather, rancid cod liver oil, and lutefisk or surströmming anyhow.
I visited the fljords once. I was two years old at the time.
And everyone else on board was seasick.
So I won't have to that again.

I'll just use my imagination.

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