Monday, June 05, 2023


A few hours after I posted an essay with a helpful anatomical diagram, a reader who saw it posted what, upon mature early morning consideration, as that first cup of coffee wreaked havoc on the cerebellum, I believe to be quite the most helpful input I have ever received.
And I am always appreciative of feedback; it helps me become a better person, a more popular and relevant blog. Even, if you think about it, the centre-point of an internet personality cult. These are all worthwhile (albeit useless) things.

His or her input has guaranteed helpfulness in that regard.
It's cogent. To the point. And insightful.

Googlums said...
Dude, that "womb" looks like a space alien. Are you all right?

Pursuant snippy kvetching abut the conversational drang of someone whom I have to deal with at work I had made an illustration. Which I have now modified slightly for Googlums.
One advantageous difference about this edited version is that it no longer looks like a thanksgiving turkey. The previous version did. That was unintentional.

It's the eyes. Adding googly eyes is an improvement.
Notice how they follow you around the room.
It now has personality!

Perfect for a children's teevee series. The Saturday Morning Trauma Hour.
Or, Magic with a Spongy Uterine Lining.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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