Sunday, June 25, 2023


One of my favourite video bloggers talks lovingly about béchamel sauce, a mixture of flour, butter, and milk, that is the fundament of Chicken à la King. Diced or ripped chicken in a cream sauce enriched with sherry, with often vegetable material added. Which, of course, you fondly remember from that chachanteng near Prince Edward, where they also have toasted piggy buns. With a pat of melting butter.

A pinch of nutmeg is essential.

The vegetable matter isn't.

Many cooks are somewhat slapdash about vegetable matter, adding such peculiarities as broccoli or frozen peas and canned corn. Or coarse chopped bellpepper. More acceptable choices are fresh parsley, chives, and mushrooms. Even carrots or potatoes. If using the latter, also include some grease-frazzled anchovy mashed up.

Crumbled up bacon is also good. Heresy, but good.
If you pretend that bacon is a vegetable your life will be so much better.

As you would expect, I eat this with sambal (mashed chili paste). Anything gravy and rice requires sambal. It's a classic chachanteng favourite. I'll have to check wether any of my favourite CCTs have it on their menus. They really should.

This could be the breakfast of champions.

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