Thursday, June 22, 2023


My apartment mate's cough is getting far better. Last night the barking dog sounds coming from her room were far less, and that's a very good thing. She needed a good night's rest. Her improvement is not only the to-be-expected lessening of symptoms, but also the positive effect of several of her coworkers being scarce yesterday. We'll ascribe this to bureaucratic laziness and lack of work ethic. Which normally irritates her, but she doesn't particularly like their company, and what with being painfully detail conscious, she despises how they do what they're allegedly doing.

This is not unusual. Some of the best people have the same issue. The remarkable thing about modern technology is that it's made the total imcompetents among us twice as ineffective at double the speed. It's mostly the semi-illiterates who are like that.
They're far less literate and far less able than they ever thought possible.
Assuming that their dull grunting of inanities counts as thinking.

In San Francisco this may be particularly evident.
We are a bureaucrat heavy metropolis.
Very civil serving.
One imagines whole hordes of gentlemen with starched shirts sitting around drinking tea while fanning themselves, doing absolutely nothing useful, occasionally stamping a form in purple-blue ink from a pad that remains remarkably moist -- probably because it is used so rarely -- and langourously hollering for that file clerk to come around, but of course that describes what it was like half a century ago, when they all felt much more important.
And, therefore, absolutely justified in their inefficiency.
In this day and age they feel entitled.
It's different.

The higher up in the hierarchy, the bigger the stamp pad.
Or, nowadays, the computer monitor.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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