Monday, June 26, 2023


Their skin is all one colour and it has that plastic look. This from a commercial for a skin care unguent for the over forty crowd (specifically women). Suggesting that if you have that glow you will be fullfilled and radiant and deserving of respect. Because society has zero estimation for women over forty and men over fifty. Per Youtube ads.

Someone asked me the other day what I thought of their new "look". In the most diplomatic way possible I told him that it made him look like an elderly parolee. Skeevy, totally untrustworthy, and possibly a psychopath. Rabid drug zombie.

Apparently, because he kept attracting the wrong kind of women -- succesful doctors with major psychological issues who were all messed up -- he decided to go for something different. Of course he also keeps meeting them at yoga classes, which tells me I should never, EVER, visit a yoga studio. Something I had already resolved to not do.

I did not mention to him that the HR person at a computer company met the love of his life at a martial arts class. She beat the crap out of him. He loves her, she likes "playing".
Last time I saw him he was somewhat bruised. And still an idiot.
Second note to self: avoid martial arts.

If you want to meet the right woman, sign up for a geology class.
Women who are into yoga or "martial-arts-for-white-women" are probably artistic, spiritual, and into healthy life style choices, and will strongly disapprove of anyone who eats meat, smokes a pipe, and reads actual books. Whereas it stand to reason that a female geologist would, after ten months out in the desert with her sunhat, Mohs hardness testing kit, and rock hammer, passionately want a smoke and a cocktail, coffee, something deepfried, fresh hot chilies, the smell of human civilization, and the company of a creature who has more emotional resonance than a lizard sunning its scaly self on a rock.

I can safely say that I have more personality than a lizard.
Not so sure about my yoga-class acquaintance.
He's more like a gila monster.

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