Sunday, May 14, 2023


One of the latest hip stores to quit the Union Square area is Coco Republic, a retailer of high end furniture, or sumpin'. And the usual chorus is wailing about high crime and run-away liberalism ruining what was once a fine city, what the heck happened to San Francisco.

Actually, what happened is shopping patterns changed. That goes double for Macy's, Nordstom, and a lot of other places. Personally, I have avoided Union Square for three decades. None of the stores were affordable or catered to my demographic.

The last two establishments there at which I shopped were a place that sold affordable blue jeans, and the Dunhill Store on the NorthEast corner which closed in 1990. I walked past one day and saw that it had become Nike Town. Nike Town?!?! Who the hell shops at Nike Town?!?! You all aiming for the suburban thugbucket crowd?!?!?!

Affordable blue jeans disappeared when designer jeans built for dump truck shaped housewives from suburbistan became the paradigm.

High foot-traffic lowers street crime enormously.

People browse and shop on-line nowadays.

Quick, convenient, and cheap.

Union Square catered exclusively to the high-end crowd and people with money to burn. If there's no parking OR a place where a window-shopping horde of Filippinas can eat, no one goes there. None of my clothes came from there, nothing in my whole apartment. The last time I was in the area I was passing through to get somewhere else. Parked cop cars everywhere, a constant police presence bigger than at the Quad in Makati. Okay?

Who the buggery goldarn is Coco Republic? Never heard of them. And if they were a Union Square merchant, they weren't catering to people who actually live in San Francisco.
Macy's et al have been losing money for years now.
Saxs NEVER catered to the working classes.
Nordstrom was strictly office slime.

Dunhill, as I said, shut down over thirty years ago and the brand has been almost entirely disassociated from tobacco, there are no more bookstores downtown because they couldn't compete with the internet, and at the quite unrealistic prices of many restaurants in the vicinity, Union Square had become a wilderness location that you packed your own food and water to visit. Plus you trekked overland. Parking? Parking?!!?
If I'm not back in a month, send a rescue party.
Bring ropes and dynamite.

The suburban Fox demographic has lost another playground. Boo hoo.

My piles bleed for them.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
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