Thursday, February 04, 2021


Once again it is clear to me that many (probably most) people can't read very well. Someone assumed a meaning to one of my internet comments that was not at all implicit, and got her dander up. Now, I could have reacted huffily, and turned it into a flame fest -- which over a decade ago would have been extremely enjoyable, because I'm mean, and fighting a battle of wits with a virtually armless person can be fun -- but I merely clarified what I meant (because an admin requested that I do so) in easily understandable language.
Even to Texans, who are very stupid people.

Sadly, I have grown up.

There was a high quotient of trollism on that entire string.
Danders were up and flying all over the damn' place.
A shallow easily offended judgmental twat.
Please note that I'm using the word 'twat' in the sense of 'dick', not as a sexist dig. Yes, she is female. But in this case she's a real dick of a twat, and that's what is objectionable, in a non-gender-judgmental way. No, she is not a Republican, most of whom are twats.
The dumb twit is almost certainly a fellow Democrat.

My possibly final word in that comment string: "On a personal level, whenever tall Midwestern types crowd an elevator, I often wish that like my Brabantine ancestors I had a knife with me at all times so that I could stab the offensively large Frisian fuckers to death.
Best stay away from height."

Per a comment that was quickly deleted, I am "a colossal idiot".

I have nothing against armless people.
They're fine too. Really.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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