Saturday, February 20, 2021


A friend posted several pictures of his prize pipes, with disparaging comments about them, possibly trying to remain humble and aw shucks. Some commenters twitted him about the mess in which he placed them. He reacted by suggesting that it was an ironic gestalt.
Like many crusty old bachelors in the forty five plus bracket, he relies on prepackaged snackipoos for casual eating. His response included a far neater picture, with an intellectual tome prominently in the foreground, as befits a mature pipe smoking individual.

I for one am pleased that he has been persuaded to discard the empty Ding Dong wrappers, Tast-ee-cake bags, and Moonpie boxes that littered his abode, and keep everything straight and tidy. I am sure he'll grow to love the rectalinearity and regular edges, the ninety degree angles, and the crisp sharp corners and boxes that are now dominating his life.
A picture, to honour his new commitment to order!

My dinner last night was two chocolate hazelnut cookies, three dark chocolate biscott, and a strong cup of coffee. Because I didn't feel like cooking at all after coming home. My apartment mate, a female bachelor of Cantonese ancestry, had a bag of potato chips while watching earwax extraction (her latest fascination) videos from our British cousins (Durham Hearing Specialists), while oohing and aahing over the substances housed in British ears.
The English, as you know, have a thing for baked beans.

English bachelors who are over forty five are rather fastidious.
As their photos on the internet make clear.
Especially pipesmokers.

All of this may have had an influence on my lack of appetite.
British earwax, OR baked beans, are not conducive.
This is just a statement of fact.
I'm over forty five.

Durham used to house the shrine of Saint Cuthbert, until the king ordered it razed to ground, despoiled, plundered, and utterly destroyed in 1538. Of such things history is made.

While on Lindisfarne, Cuthbert authored legislation protecting ducks.

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All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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