Wednesday, February 17, 2021


One person I know says he won't take the vaccine for Covid 19 "because I don't know what's in it, and the scientists don't know what Covid is", and another claims that every time she get the flu vaccine she has allergies. A third one gibbers about nano-chips. From which it would be logical and entirely correct to conclude that I know at least three idiots.

Their blinkered stupidity infuriates me.

All three have internet access.

In this day, it is so easy to find all the correct information on these and other subjects, requiring only the ability to read critically, that believing falsehoods and lies requires a superhuman level of density and laziness which is staggering. The "allergic" one, to the best of my knowledge, does enjoy eggs, so that reaction can be ruled right out. And there is scant evidence of any other allergies in her case anyhow.

For a while she was gluten phobic.

Two of the three are firm believers in the efficacy of apple cider vinegar, turmeric, ginger, and cayenne, to fight off any and all diseases and create states of health and well-being.

This is not a problem, but I fervently wish, and they should realize for themselves that doing so would be best, that they would shut up about medical matters.

When a person authoritatively spouts ignorant crap in one area, it throws whatever else they say into doubt. About damned well any subject. If a person is known and judged by his or her associates, that also counts for their "expertise". Strong ignorant opinions tar all conversation with them, and one should discount everything that comes out of their mouths as the rantings of a lunatic.

This was the case years ago when without being asked people would volunteer detailed information on their spirituality, since then "feelings" have taken over in many other fields. Guys, just take your ayahuasca and mushshrooms, and go sit quietly in your corner.
The world is not flat. Facts do not care about your feelings.
Your mother is not the reason.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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