Saturday, February 13, 2016


One of the most romantic things a person can do for their significant other to celebrate Valentine's Day is provide them with a splendid meal. To which end, it is best if one avoids any and all fancy restaurants. Business will boom at such places this weekend, reservations are essential, and the service might be slapdash at best.

Stay in, and cook her a lobster. Or some such sh*t.
Real women like seafood. Avoid Vegans.

Traditionally men are the big losers during Valentine's Day, as we are, if coupled, expected to be all gooey, and throw money around like a priest spattering holy water on a dungeon full of gay young choirboys.

So, given that I am not connected to a typical sticky female, dammit it all to heck, I feel like a winner. Yep, real success story.

I'm thinking bacon and eggs for dinner. By myself. With hotsauce. And mustard greens, some chorizo, and a big cup of coffee. Followed by a pipe or two down at the cigar dive, which should be near-empty with all those successfull business dicks forced to act like humans for a change.
And sports NOT on teevee to spoil the atmosphere.


One or two pipes full, some Scotch, and quiet conversation.

Eating soon. Then off to smoke a bit.

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