Wednesday, February 10, 2016


In looking over my own recent Facebook activity, I belatedly realize that "grouchy old codger" describes at least one aspect of my personality.
Not that I've ever considered spreading sweetness and light, OR radiating a note of positive encouragement.
I do not wish to inspire.

My Facebook activity paints an unflattering picture of my personality.
One with which I'm actually quite pleased. A grown man should never strive to be 'Little Miss Sunshine', but rather adhere to sane and coldly nihilistic realism. And sometimes, rain on parades.

To review:

On a report that the Stockton Street car ban may become permanent:
"The suggestion to expand it to Chinatown? Great way to kill the neighborhood and make it possible for developers to buy it up and put high rise office buildings there."

"Which, of course, will benefit all the usual people."

San Francisco politicians would love to get rid of Chinatown, and certain individuals may be inspired to get back at the neighborhood for not voting as Ed Lee told them to in the last election. Erasing the place would be immensely profitable, as at present it is little more than lots of poor people not paying enough rent or taxes, and squatting on the best piece of real-estate in the city, which would be an enormous gold mine if all those poor people would just leave. Chinatown only serves one purpose, as far as City Hall is concerned, and that's to provide tourists from elsewhere with a folk-loric experience and exotic thrills. A two block stretch of Grant Avenue -- for instance, between Bush and California Streets -- would do that admirably. The rest of Chinatown looks seedy and run down, and detracts from the sheer commercial beauty of our city, as well as it's appeal to investors.
There isn't even a Starbucks there!

The last time politicians told us something was a brilliant plan, we ended up paying through the nose for Willie Brown's stadium. The time before that, they tore down the freeway and everybody with holdings along the waterfront became fabulously rich while countless businesses in Chinatown and North Beach went bankrupt.

Naturally, one should be paranoid when San Francisco politicians have ideas. That usually means someone is going to get screwed.

On a comment string devoted to a medical visit:
"Never stick anything smaller than your elbow in your butt!"

"Consult a professional in this case. It might help."

Years ago, during a visit to the emergency room with a pipe cleaner jammed in my ear, over a dozen medical people examined me with bemusement, one by one, and each of them gave me the advice their daddy OR their college professor had given them: "never stick anything smaller than your elbow in your ear". That sage advice, though irritating at the time, as well as patronizing, applies to many situations.
It isn't just limited to ears.

Why did I have a pipe cleaner stuck in my ear? Does the phrase "cheapskate Dutchman" mean anything to you? And it seemed like a good idea when I had run out of Q-Tips.

On a sneer that San Francisco built a stadium at taxpayer expense while doing nothing about the homeless:
"Santa Clara is NOT San Francisco, but rich asshats connected with the boom economy."

Everything south of Daly City needs to be gassed out of existence, and returned to cattle pasture.

On the question whether San Francisco should ever host the Superbowl again:
"Please, never again!"

Machine-gun toting security goons scared that if they relax their vigilance for even one moment they will get butt-raped by one of the natives, and a whole bunch of Republican racist asswipes from North Carolina, Colorado, and points further hick, trashing the city, along with opportunistic criminals from Oakland, are in no way anything to have encouraged, and once experienced should never be repeated. It was repulsive.
Please go back to Denver, Charlotte, and Oakland.
And never come back to San Francisco.
You guys suck balls, big time.
So does Ed Lee.

[By the way, one of my friends suggests that blowing over five million San Francisco taxpayer dollars on hosting big corporations and rich shmoes who paid four thousand five hundred dollars on tickets demands an audit and an investigation. He is convinced that Ed Lee and his master Willie Brown will reap mega political bucks out of this, as payback for subsidizing "business". Personally, I think that is an unfounded assertion, and far too cynical. All the small businesses and working stiffs in San Francisco undoubtedly benefited, and most people at the stadium down in Santa Clara assuredly were those very same working stiffs, who had shelled out four and a half K for the occasion, and gladly forked over thirteen bucks for watery beer. Surely Ed Lee and Willie blew all that money out of sheer goodness and civic pride! 
Any attempt to recall mayor Ed Lee in November is just mean.]

On a phrase quoted in reference to Frances Yip:
"BTW: "happiness that overflowing from her heart" is a phrase that makes me want to barf."

Make no mistake, Frances Yip is a stellar performer, whose rendition of the theme song from Shanghai Shoals (上海灘 'seung hoi taan') is still ever-green, deservedly a classic. Her other work is not to be sneezed at. But describing her with the statement "happiness that overflowing from her heart" is just wrong. Very wrong.
Totally pukeworthy.

On a post about rioting and arson on Lower Polk last Saturday night:
"Well, that's in the dmz between "Lower Nob" and "Upper Loin". So it was just techno-yuppies who were high on designer drugs."

This city is being overrun with people like that. To quote a neighbor, something bad is brewing, soon the shitcan will blow up all over the newcomers.

*   *   *   *   *   *

One reaction which I did not post, but probably should have, on various pipe smoking fora where members were expressing joy at what was in their briars:

"Why does every single redneck pipe tobacco smell like goddamned fruitloops?"

Real tobacco smells like tobacco; not vanilla caramel raspberry ape barf. Good lord. Some of you guys are sick bastards, candy-huffing psychopaths. Did y'all grow up in houses of ill-repute?
Buch of miserable degenerates.
Real tobacco!

I am a grouchy old codger.
It's a gift.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"...certain individuals may be inspired to get back at the neighborhood for not voting as Ed Lee told them to in the last election"

Like Willie Brown's pet banana Pius Lee? You should hear what Rose Pak says about that man and his pandering to SF Politicians!

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