Monday, February 29, 2016


One of the visitors at "The Hall of the Fat Wooden Dwarf" (HFWD), where the vile Trump-supporters of Marin County light up stogies, can best be described as a man with "a rich inner life". Meaning that despite the fond hopes of his parents, he's in his forties with no prospects of marriage, because no sensible Chinese girl would even think of hitching up with an ex marine - computer engineer - astronaut - jet fighter pilot - chemist - brain surgeon - martial art master - race car driver - doctor of theology and philosophy - podiatrist - green beret.

It's just too much good.

This past weekend was a doozy. He came by three times.

Shan't mention his name, but it rhymes with 'dong'.

I shield the icky, who knows from what.

Yes, he is Chinese American. He's been a regular at the HFWD for over two decades. On Saturday, we found out for the first time that he's also a father. Of a fifteen year old girl. Which is a very great surprise! We had no idea his imaginary wife was pregnant with a teenager! Those are a bit too large to winkle out with a coat hanger.

As Chinese Americans go, he's rather a spectacular failure. If his doting parents weren't financially underwriting him (the typical "only son syndrome"), he would probably be white.

I only listen to his monotonous droning with half an ear.

And often feel obliged to count my blessings.

Room for up to four halfwits.

His non-existent wife and daughter have my fullest sympathy. If she's anything like her dad, she has a very full life ahead of her.
I wonder how she'll handle it.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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