Wednesday, February 24, 2016


My apartment mate is taking a mental health day. That means I cannot do what I normally do during my weekend (Tuesday and Wednesday), which is smoke my pipe, laze about reading in the peace and quiet, and ponce around naked. With a teacup.

She would look askance, as we maintain a fair amount of interpersonal modesty at all times.

Consequently, I shall do my laundry early, then head down to Chinatown for both lunch and a late afternoon snack, and smoke my pipe there.

Yes, tea. No poncing around naked. They too would look askance.

Chinese people are easily shocked, and might say something.

On the other hand, they appreciate public spectacle.

Especially white people acting crazy.

Still, no nudity.

This is very disappointing. Being an adult, I know that poncing around naked is not universally appreciated. There are few places where it can be done. Which is something I lament.

North Beach is also out of the question, as tourists would point and say "look at the beatnik, dressed as such people are wont". They would end up with the wrong idea about San Francisco (especially after that entitled tech-bro wrote an angry letter to mayor Ed Lee about naked people), and if they were from more backward areas of the country, throw up their hands and call upon Jesus.

Nobody wants that. Nor do I wish to encourage it.

This weather is perfect for naked poncing.

With a teacup. And a pipe.


Naked poncing is usually solitary, at most a two person affair, and should never be educational. Regrettably, there is no second person.
And I do not seek to enlighten random strangers.
My teacup shall remain unused today.
There is no other choice.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.


DoubleMalt Scotch said...

Happy Purim, Mr. OfTheHill!

The back of the hill said...

And to you likewise, DoubleMalt.

Although we are jumping the gun a bit here.

DoubleMalt Scotch said...

No, I was referring to today's Purim.

Anonymous said...

Sheesh, how does she maintain a job? Every time you turn around, she's staying home.

The back of the hill said...

Accumulated PTO.

e-kvetcher said...

פורים קטן

The back of the hill said...

Aha! I should have known!

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