Wednesday, February 03, 2016


Speaking of karaoke, which we were, please refer back to snarky comment in a previous post about hanging out in a kaa laa o kei jau baa (卡拉OK酒吧) in Mongkok (旺角) till the wee hours, except that that did not happen, but the bookseller and myself did drop by a dive we've been visiting once a week for many years this evening, there are some songs that automatically excite viewer comment.

"Oh for heavens sake, don't make a cake! You've got a bad record with cake!"

"Have you ever had cake delivered by a hot pastry girl?"

"He should stick with the cake lady!"

"Yeah, she looks nice."

And trust me, the cake delivery girl does seem like a much sweeter and nicer woman than the somewhat insipid 'good girl' he ends up marrying. Neither the bookseller nor I could figure out what his problem was.



Alien Wang sings 搞砸了 (gǎozá le), in which cake plays a role nearly as great as his Donald Trump hair-do. Personally, rather than the dripp-o-riffic e-commerce yuppette he persists in courting, I would have gone with the cake girl. She looks rather sparky and intelligent, and someone with cake smeared all over her bosom just screams loveable and zesty.

His desperation to make good with his pissed-off girlfriend defies all reason. Dude, cake! Doesn't a smooshed delivery cake mean ANYTHING to you?!? What on earth is your problem?

Other than the name 'Alien Wang'?

Anyhow, he and the pissy drip end up getting married, which, of course, involves more cake. He's got a lousy track record with cake.
Cake and him are totally NOT simpatico.

His hair looks like Donald Trump.

It's after three A.M. Coffee and cake sounds real good right now.
Well, maybe not the coffee.
Just cake.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.


e-kvetcher said...

I love Cake!

The back of the hill said...

Okay, that was very good. Cake is excellent. Inspiring even.

Anonymous said...

But is cake on a breast any nicer than just regular cake?

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