Thursday, April 04, 2024


You know, here it is sixteen years later and I'm still pissed at the racist snoots from Berkeley and Oakland disrupting the torch relay in San Francisco back in 2008. Thousands of Chinese Americans had come out to see the run, but a buch of pissant "we're so superior to all of you" dingoes from the East Bay and elsewhere showed up to piss on the parade. Which, by the way, is what one nowadays expects from that bunch, on that side of the Bay.

Every time there's a demo, instead of holding it in Oakland as they should, at the Ashby station, they do it in SF and trash the place. No wonder the downtown smells like urine.

This isn't pursuant anything in particular, I just feel snippy at present.

And really, nearly all of the East Bay is, when you think about it, scrotal inflation guy showing off his weird hobby. Plus old large naked people celebrating spring, gluten-free life, tattoos, and piercings. Plus yoga. Rampant rabid earth-mothers.
So I'm not surprised In N Out Burger closed there. It's too high class for them.

I kind of miss the bookstores in Berkeley, though.
But I have no plans to go there.

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