Wednesday, April 10, 2024


There was an ambulatory wreck just down from the busstop rooting through the garbage can, trying to get at the good stuff before the trashman took it all away. Years from now we'll see his type wearing golden Trump sneakers.

When we left the karaoke joint it sounded like some of the plastered Toishanese were rather upset at each other, probably not because of rival musical tastes. There had been no singing, which was nice, and two other gentlemen were asleep at the bar. So in many ways it was an exceptional evening. No mostly white marketing departments torturing the damned with Hotel California or Sweet Caroline. If you ask me, all days should be marketing department free after dark. The burger joint had been remarkably clear of that type also.

What had really surprised me, a few hours earlier, was how peaceful and almost empty the chachanteng where I had lunch had been. A cow meat free regulation (牛肉免治 'ngau yiuk min chi') with two fried eggs over rice, which I augmented with chilipaste and devoured with gusto. Free regulation (免治) means minced meat. Very Hong Kong.

I'm ahead of the game at this point. Picked up my refills, did my laundry, mailed off my taxes a week ago, and there are no medical appointments on the horizon. Plus the weather is a lot more bearable, and I'm beginning to think that my legs itching from the inside out when I try to sleep may be related to the Amlodipine Besylate. I'll try taking it earlier in the day to see if that diminishes the unpleasantness at bedtime.
Combine all that with no singing at the karaoke joint, AND enough coffee and tea to sink a battleship, and I'm feeling half my age. Life is awesome. I am ruddy Gandalf with my pipe, watch me slay the Balrog.

Eggs are actually pretty good for you. They've gotten a bad rap, and I'm sure my medical team would have furrowed their brows at me having two of them over my sauced ground meat and rice. But they make your pelt nice and glossy. And besides, the chilipaste makes it healthy. Chili is a vegetable (roughage, which helps the bowels deal with food and waste products) and it's chockful of vitamin C. I was being a responsible adult, I feel no guilt.

On that note, I really must encourage the bookseller to add much more Sriracha to his burger and fries. It will balance out that perfectly horrid wine he had with his dinner.

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