Thursday, April 25, 2024


It takes about five hours for the twitchy ache in my lower legs from the amlodipine besylate to diminish sufficiently that I can sleep. I timed it yesterday, as well as previous days. Pill taken after tea-time. I won't say that it's a pain in the you-know-what -- it is a medicine after all and so presumably good for me with tonnes of benefits -- but it is a pain in the you know what.
I'll have to time it rather precisely when at work so that the discomfort and loss of energy doesn't start before we have closed the doors in the evening. Takes about an hour.

It is okay to be an irritable zombie on the bus with all the other worker bees.

I'm rather amused by the warnings on some of my pills.

Don't operate heavy machinery, don't get pregnant, may cause dizziness.

I think I can promise you that I won't get pregnant. And let's ignore that bit about dizziness, as there are no tightropes at work, and I haven't fallen off the ladder yet. The only time I've gotten dizzy there was last year when I came down with Covid and it affected my inner ear. My equilibrium went out the door, I spent the next three or four days at home banging into stationary objects and moving walls, and did some of my best drawing and sketching.

Despite the benefit, I do not wish to catch Covid again. So I'll buy another box of masks sometime today. After I've had some congee and a fried bread.
Rice porridge in mid-morning is always enjoyable in C'town. The tourists have not shown up to block all the sidewalks by dawdling and clustering, grocery stores are not crowded with shoppers yet, the crusty old retired folks aren't out and about, and the sun hits the streets just right. If I get out early enough I might even get a haircut. Ah-Ming usually doesn't have any appointments before noon, and his coffee has kicked in so he's alert and chipper.

Clippity, jook, and a pipe smoked after.
Minor shopping, early tea.

The place run by the round-faced woman will not be crowded.
Only a limited selection, but it's clean and bright.
Plus the milk tea is bracing.

And I'll be home again before rush hour.

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