Wednesday, December 27, 2023


It's been an hour and a half since that dumbass started using a powerhose on the building across the block. There ought to be a law. I can't even hear my turkey vulture! And no, I don't care that the grime of centuries is finally being cleaned off. Probably in preparation for a a new ugly paint job and eventual sale of the property to investors, and conversion.
Outsider landlord companies in SF should be lined up and shot.

Especially if they inconvenience me.

By the way, the stupidest comment on Facebook today was "Autism is a Jewish invention of this reign of the antichrist. You are completely normal." Which tells you that the writer is a Christian, Republican, and believes in family values like pogroms, segregation, and lynching. So probably from one of the shithole states: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.

It's not that I despair over my fellow Americans, but I do despise a lot of them.

But I don't know. Maybe the author of "autism is a Jewish invention of this reign of the antichrist" is a timid young virgin in Mill Valley who believes in ancient aliens, or an ultra liberal potsmoking hippie of no specific gender living in a commune in Sonoma.
An anti-vaxxer with off-kilter dietary preferences, either way.

Could be the idiot across the block with the power hose.
There's just no telling.

"Autism is a Jewish invention of this reign of the antichrist. You are completely normal."

In any case I'm blaming the vegans. A brain needs protein or it starts feeding on itself. All those morons rioting at the Capitol building were because of the vegans, the pro-terrorist thugs in Union Square and Yale too, and gluten-phobic mobs pouring ketchup on fur also.
If you deny this, you are probably part of the conspiracy.
They've gotten to you man. You've changed!

Good lord, now there's a chainsaw!
Damned communist.

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One of the rightwing hose bags whom I see regularly, because I work in Marin, and attend to poisonous senile old gila monsters, is disturbed...