Saturday, December 30, 2023


It rained a little bit yesterday. For about twelve hours. Fairly intensely from noon till nightfall. Californians don't drive well in the rain. I expect that there were families on the road terrified that it was the end times. Loudly exclaiming "saints preserve us", or "whut in tarnation is happenin', mah" as their jalopies crashed and burned in mud puddles.
Mud puddles! Oh, the humanity!

None of that was visible on the freeway during my return journey. I believe the highway patrol used snowploughs from other jurisdictions to clear the corpses and the wrecks.

Fortunately I had gotten the electric reindeer back into his box before it really came bucketing down. The animal will be on the lawn again next year for the holiday season. Baleful. Sparkly. Glowing. A daemonic presence on the grass. Accursed beast.

Today was the day we took down the decorations at work. Necessary, because the various santas looked evil and no doubt were haunting the nightmares of the senile old farts in the backroom. The boss really gets into the spirit of things. Hence decorations everywhere, including the bathroom cabinets. Don't go inside, Saint Nick is looking at you!
He sees what you're doing, and he's making a list.
It's a good thing I don't drive, because I don't trust my fellow citizens here on the freeway even when it's dry. We're the state that invented road rage. Not drunk driving, that's more of a Southern thing -- endemic in Texas and Kentucky -- and rednecks hanging out of pickup truck windows yelling "yee haw" and waving hunting rifles is, I believe, a common traffic hazard in Mississippi and Alabama. They're crazy and inbred there, and 'yeehaw' is very probably the extent of their intellectual accomplishments.

When it's raining, Californians tend to overthink things.
Their driving suffers in consequence.

Rain here makes people do strange things. A bar tender I know complained on social media about the droves of people who panicked and stayed away. There was too much sobriety in his establishment, what with all the absentee alcoholics on a Friday night.

"You're not gonna let a little rain stop you from coming, are ya?"

Well, evidently, they will and they are.

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