Sunday, July 02, 2023


One of the people I see occasionally is now sporting a large red SS tattoo on his face. Which is disturbing. The problem is that I know he's had brain damage and neurological impairment from chemical exposure, and even if he were all there would not be able to explain what the SS tattoo meant in his world. So I'd say he's well on his way to being too batshit to function.

[He's an acquaintance, not a friend. It's work-related. In Marin County.]

Of course, if someone takes offense to his face and takes a 2 by 4 to his skull -- which would be understandable, because this isn't Florida -- he may be unable to function a lot sooner.

I think he thinks he's playing at being an outlaw biker.
Sadly, he isn't playing with an entirely full deck.
He's recently acquired a Harley.

He's NOT playing at being a Supreme Court Justice.
Nobody could be that batshit.
As long as I've known him his fries have not been fully Frenched, and his parking meter has been stuck on idle. Not all of his cards add up to a ballteam, and his elevator is a few passengers shy of a picnic party.

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