Saturday, July 01, 2023


Rabbit rabbit. The tradition is that ones first utterance at the beginning of the month should be the words "rabit rabbit". And, because between sundown on Friday and sunset Saturday this blog does not post, by titling this post "rabbit rabbit" I have obeyed ancient custom and demonstrated a very human level of neurosis. Because I am nothing if not human, precisely like you! I am not just observing and waiting for you to self-destruct. I participate to the best of my abilities in your activities, very human! If you prick me I shall bleed. Rabbit rabbit.

I am NOT a lizard.

Repeat: human.

Rabbit rabbit.
Please note that the pictured rabbit is smoking a handmade W.Ø. Larsen pipe, probably produced during the sixties when the esteemed company was at the top of their game. But unlike a typical Dane, she enjoys a nice Balkan blend, albeit one made by Scandinavian tobacco rather than an ancient British company, of which so very few are left.

Samuel Gawith is still around, thank heavens.

She describes Samuel Gawith's Squadron Leader as definitely excellent, the one tobacco that if the local store in some hellhole village out in the bogs of East Bucketshire carried that and nothing else except Captain Black Menthol, you wouldd say to yourself "maybe I can stay another six months here, the local yobbos actually have a rustic charm once you get past their crude customs".

If Taylor's of Harrowgate Yorkshire Tea was also available there, maybe Pigdbollocksham in East Bucketshire is as close to heaven as one can get. And the zombies are really harmless. Just like normal football fans, just more insensate, more often. Don't go into town on those days, just putter a bit around the pond the local grammar school drowned in decades ago. Perhaps fishing a small perfectly formed skull or femur out of the viscous tannic liquid.

Rabbit rabbit. It's good luck.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.


Anonymous said...

Did you survive that massive 75 degree heat wave in the City?

The back of the hill said...

Unimaginable horrors! Dead camels all over! Actually, I was at work. Which was cool. So no problem.

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