Wednesday, July 12, 2023


A commenter whom I have deleted accused me of triggering behaviour because I never write about women in my disquisitions about food, pipes, pipe tobacco, or horrible tourists. Which upsets her or him immensely. It's like half the world doesn't exist!

Okay. I'd be fine with that. If half the humans of both genders disappeared overnight I would probably be okay. More for the rest of us. I'm selective about the countries, though.

Save the noodle people.

And as for never mentioning women, learn to read. Women lurk all over these pages. As a single male of a certain age, however, they've faded slightly from my frontal lobe. I'm not seeing anyone, and not particularly pursuing the matter. The women I know are either connected with someone else of whichever gender tickles their fancy, or not.
Either way, they're mostly normal, and seem well-adjusted.

I am not gender obsessed.
It stands to reason that the female ability to appreciate noodles, chilipaste, and strong milk tea is more or less equal to that of a man. The chemistry of taste does not change. The ONLY significant difference is that women, biologically, have a greater preference for sardines and chocolate. I suggest you ask your biology professor why this is so.

I think there is still a tin of sardines lying around somewhere.
And sadly, the chocolates are gone. I ate them all.
My apartment mate seldom eats chocolate.
Possibly she's defective.

I've noticed that when she prepares herself a nice noodle dish for lunch it often contains chicken or seafood. My choice when I cook noodles for myself is pork, or meatballs.
She is soupy, I prefer sauce. Her, thin noodles. Me, thick.
Baby bokchoi versus yauchoi.

Maybe I need to buy more sardines.
It might improve my chances.

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