Monday, July 31, 2023


Yesterday on the way home I spotted a pick-up truck flying a huge American flag with two large signs that said: "Chinese fentanyl killing Americans" and "Boycot Chinese Products". This was in downtown Sausalito. Which is so close to San Francisco that you could spit. Let me just say that I hate Sausalito because it's an over-rated pretentious artistic tourist trap filled with plastic, but no matter.

Those signs indicate that things are starting to boil over. Which will impact on the lives of Americans of Chinese descent. It is highly unlikely that NOT purchasing Chinese goods could in any way have a positive effect, but it is very likely that small-town America will become, as it always has been, hate-filled, xenophobic, and racist.

Per the US Government:

Quote: "While Mexico and China are the primary source countries for fentanyl and fentanyl-related substances trafficked directly into the United States, India is emerging as a source for finished fentanyl powder and fentanyl precursor chemicalsent."
End quote.

SOURCE: DEA Intelligence report of January 2020: Fentanyl Flow to the United States

Further: "As Beijing and the Hong Kong Special Autonomous Region (SAR) place restrictions on more precursor chemicals, Mexican transnational criminal organizations (TCOs) are diversifying their sources of supply. This is evidenced by fentanyl shipments from India allegedly destined for Mexico. On May 4, 2018, the Hong Kong SAR updated their drug law to control the fentanyl precursors 4-anilino-N-phenethyl-4-piperidine (ANPP) and N-phenethyl-4-piperidone (NPP) as well as the synthetic opioid U-47700. This matches China’s scheduling of ANPP and NPP on July 1, 2017. The move by the Hong Kong SAR is considerable, since synthetic opioids produced and shipped from China may transit the Hong Kong SAR en route to the United States."


"Effective May 1, 2019, China officially controlled all forms of fentanyl as a class of drugs. This fulfilled the commitment that President Xi made during the G-20 Summit. The implementation of the new measure includes investigations of known fentanyl manufacturing areas, stricter control of internet sites advertising fentanyl, stricter enforcement of shipping regulations, and the creation of special teams to investigate leads on fentanyl trafficking. "

And also: "Mexican TCOs are producing increased quantities of fentanyl and illicit fentanyl-containing tablets, with some TCOs using increasingly sophisticated clandestine laboratories and processing methods (i.e., laboratory grade glassware, unregulated chemicals, and industrial size tablet presses). DEA, working in conjunction with Mexican officials, has seized and dismantled numerous fentanyl pill pressing operations and fentanyl synthesis laboratories in 2018 and 2019, highlighting the role TCOs play in supplying the US fentanyl market. Fentanyl is smuggled across the U.S.-Mexico border in low concentration, high-volume loads, kilogram seizures often contain less than a 10 percent concentration of fentanyl."
End quotes.

Clearly, the solution to all of this is to concentrate the manufacture of ALL illicit substances in the trailer parks of the American Heartland, and the small towns filled with sub-literates and other unemployables that form the bedrock of this country and Florida. It is quite intolerable that America's gargantuan appetite for a cheap high should be satisfied by foreign criminal cartels run by people who don't speak English or worship Jesus!

An additional benefit is that the addicts who currently litter many of our urban areas would probably move back home to be closer to the source.
Just like the methaphetamine freaks.
And bourbon drinkers.

We already control the dealers and grass-roots distribution, and have the greatest number of end users; it makes sense to enrich our own criminal cartels and American big business too.

Foster entrepeneurship nationwide.

NOTE: American businesses have a long and hallowed tradition of selling drugs. One only need think of John Jacob Astor and the American Fur Company smuggling tonnes of opium into Canton, OR the great families and institutions of New England, who funded universities, libraries, hospitals, art collections and museums, plus steamships, railways, and mines, by investing in opium. Our industrial revolution could not have happened without that.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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