Saturday, July 22, 2023


Not saying who, but a failed rightwing hosebag politician is afraid that Hillary Clinton gonna 'get' her. And she's had her brakes checked. Just in case. Which is probably a good move, because she's managed to make so many enemies in the last two years that damned well half the people in her state would want to 'get' her. And even if that were not so, Hillary Rodham Clinton would not be the number one suspect. Not even logically anywhere in the top hundred. Thousand.

1,287,891 / 1,270,774

But, of course, if you are a failed rightwing hosebag politician, gibbering paranoia and other forms of serious psychosis are, naturally, part and parcell of your deal.

So I'd advise her to look behind, frequently.
And watch for oncoming traffic.
Or, preferably, not.
Same also goes for the 'My Pillow' guy. More so, in fact. Because a good pillow makes a good silencer. No one will hear a blessed thing.

And he's a mighty soft target.


Anyway, the Irishman in the backroom lost his shiznit recently and started screaming threats at a surgeon because the surgeon took issue with a particularly egregious Qanonite stream of bullpucky. The Irishman's sense of self is that fragile that any intelligented point of view sends him into fits. A few of the others are his enablers.
They have no pride.

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