Monday, July 31, 2023


There are several things that cause an urge to micturate. These are, in no particular order: bad timing, inconvenience, cold air, diuresis, the wish to know whether we are there yet, the sound of water, and a full bladder. When two or more of these occur, you have to go. Which is something tourists in San Francisco experience every day, and their consequent suffering is immense. Especially as many businesses have signs up which say that the bathroom is for customers only. Many tourists have a profoundly Scottish mentality, and will. Not. Spend. A. Penny. More. Than. They. Feel. Is. Necessary. We have chilly temperatures here (especially when compared to Texas), and there's coffee (nice, warming cups of hot coffee) everywhere. Which acts diuretically.

I woke up from a dream in which I was being chased by several friendly leopard sharks, with an incredible need to pee. I could hear my apartment mate happily splashing in the bath, and there had been a cup of coffee before falling asleep.

The leopard shark is a smallish predator which is not a danger to humans, though it is inadvisable to trail your pet crab, chihuahua, or bleeding hand in the water.

Apparently they are excellent eating, which explains why you'll see them occasionally for sale on Stockton Street. But they are too much for one diner. Up to about four or five feet long, though usually caught specimens are only two or three feet. Still, that's a lot of fish for a single person.

I am not at all certain how my apartment mate would react upon finding a leopard shark in the kitchen sink waiting to be cut up. She's an adventurous eater, but yes um no. Possibly Dutch recipes for zeepaling (spiny dogfish) would be appropriate. In mustard sauce, or with white wine and fresh herbs. Maybe garlic and lemon, or a mushroom cream sauce.

And, like nearly everything that moves, great with sambal.

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Anonymous said...

Speaking of things that swim in the sea, can you, could you, would your recommend an SF C’Town restaurant that serves grouper? Promise I won’t share the name with anyone else. 99% of the time it’s just me dining alone anyway.

The back of the hill said...

I'd try Yee's Restaurant (文仔記燒臘茶餐廳 'man chai kee siu-lap cha chan teng') at 1131 Grant Avenue, between Pacific and Broadway. They have tanks, and they do several fresh seafood dishes. So they probably have grouper.

Grouper is 石斑魚 ('sek paan yü') in Cantonese. Other terms are 老虎斑 ('lou fu paan'; "brown mottled grouper") and 黃斑 '(wong paan'; "yellow grouper").

Yee's also does roast duck and roast goose. One of the waiters is a bit stand-offish, but the other one is quite nice, as is the waitress who works there. I haven't been there in several months so I don't know if there have been any changes.

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