Tuesday, July 11, 2023


Late lunch was chicken curry rice and probably far too much sambal, washed down with tea. Hot milk tea afterwards, then a stroll through the alleyways with a pipe in my mouth.
Nothing extraordinary, and extremely enjoyable.

There are a large number of people with typical Midwestern and Southern physiques visiting the city. It reminds me of the time when, checking out the total picture of a new distributor in a part of the country where we had almost no product representation, I read up on the city and region where they were located. Their financials had been good, their payment habits were excellent. They owned their own building and had been in business for a number of years. The city had a research hospital, three or four decent universities, specalized labs, and a diverse educated population. A region with sufficient rainfall, four seasons, gently rolling foothills. And among the highest rates of obesity and diabetes in the nation.

It sounded quite lovely. Well, the obesity and diabetes aside.

Also several Asian restaurants and food shops!

So sambal was almost guaranteed.
Yes, I extended terms. Which proved to be no risk. They paid reasonably on time, and did not need many phone calls other than follow-up on orders. Briefly I thought of visiting that part of the world, but for one reason or another decided against actually doing so.

Probably too close to grits and red-eye gravy country.

Not entirely a comfortable environment.

Good people, though.

Our visitors seldom walk through many of the alleys.
I cannot fathom why.

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