Thursday, January 03, 2019


Well, another year has come and gone.
So, things to be grateful for:

A friend with whom I used to work at a bookstore. We still go out for drinkies every week. I have become more boring over the years, he still tolerates my grumbling inanities.

My apartment mate, whom I have know since she was in college. She has had to put up with a lot of queer shiznit over the last year, before my medical coverage came into effect, and she's still kind to me.

A good friend over in the East Bay who recently offered me a blood pressure measuring device.

A Parsee with a brain and two grandkids

And, just to piss off anti-smokers who may read this: Several Dunhill pipe tobacco mixtures which I have stockpiled, Greg Pease tobacco blends ditto, Rattrays also ditto, plus Penzance and Royal Jersey Latakia, tonnes of Sam Gawith, and enough McClelland to last for quite a while. The Syrian Three Oaks in particular is a fabulous rich smoky blend, just sheerly wonderful.
In fact, I remember once offering a puff to a young lady, momentarily convinced that she, too, would appreciate it as much as I did.

She kneed me in the groin after the first taste.

Dinner had been truly wonderful.

The kitchen floor was less so.

And I, it seems, not at all.

I was a monumental meanie.

She never has told my uncle and aunt what a right rotten scoundrel I was. She's asleep in her room right now, what with being fluish, and I have wished her a speedy recovery.

I am also pleased that typical Dutch stroop wafels are much more common in California than they once were.
It's a blessing.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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