Monday, January 14, 2019


The refrigerator has tonnes of good stuff to eat, and I am keenly aware of that. Also, a cup of coffee would be very nice right now. Plus a satisfying smoke, aged Virginia in one of my older briars.
Except that I can do none of that; medical tests tomorrow, have to fast.

There is a large new bin of dark chocolate chunk and almond cookies within reach, as well as a hunk of delicious chocolate.

Have to fast.

I can drink water, though. Stay hydrated, which will help "them" find a suitable vein tomorrow.

This is all an intellectual exercise in not thinking of coffee, tea, cookies, cheese, bread, mustard greens, roast chicken, a tomato, an Italian sausage, tomato sauce, pasta, rice stick noodles, garlic and bacon drenched with chilipaste, toast with peanut butter and Sriracha, a jar of capers .......

There is also a bag of interestingly flavoured potato chips on the teevee room table.

Must not think of any of these things.

No lunch, no dinner.

Nor breakfast.

Or coffee.

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1 comment:

gastronomically ampibious said...

Steer clear of the "Spring Surprise".

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