Sunday, October 07, 2018


It looks like I am going to lose a lot of Facebook friends over what I posted there last night. Many of them are people I have known for years. But they have a soft spot for the Republicans, why some of their best friends dot dot dot et mult cetera, and several of them hated Obama anyway ......

It used to be that Republicans were in the main decent people.

And Russia and Israel didn't wield undue influence.

I am okay with friends evaporating.

Especially if they espouse pro-evangelical/hard right points of view. Those people aren't "fellow Americans", but traitors plain and simple, in the pockets of the Russians, the NRA, and the insurance industry.

So, what was it I wrote?

"If someone were to fire bomb an evangelical church OR blow a Republican Senator's brains out with a gun, I would neither mind, nor morally judge them."

"After all, who are we to interfere with the expression of strong political views? Especially given that we have the right to use guns against our fellow citizens."

[That last statement is paraphrasing the NRA.]

If you choose to read this as an encouragement to violence, that is entirely your own affair. I am totally apathetic about it. Whatever happens to those people is not my concern. They can rot in hell or die of the pox.
It's all good.

By putting Brett Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court, they have created a situation where many citizens will regard the Supreme Court as a hurdle, of dubious legitimacy, whose decisions must be questioned, much like anything decided by this president and this congress. But while we can eventually vote the sons-of-bitches and Christians out, we will be stuck with 'beer-boy' for decades, and we will have lost much of what made us great.

Republicans are destroying America.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.


Isaac Luria said...

Apparently you are now advocating violence and murder. Which I do not quite read into "If someone were to fire bomb an evangelical church OR blow a Republican Senator's brains out with a gun, I would neither mind, nor morally judge them."
That's heartless and brutal, but not exactly an open call for labile minds to spring into action. It rather says that you don't think those people to be worth your consideration or fellow feeling. Rather, they are beneath your concern.

The other problematic statement, to whit:
"After all, who are we to interfere with the expression of strong political views? Especially given that we have the right to use guns against our fellow citizens."
This neatly encapsulates what the NRA believes.

I don't think your ex-friend can read, but he may have forwarded your name and data to the secret police already.

You are better off not even knowing such people. By the way, have you communicated with Pave or Lucca in the last few years? OR are you rid of them too?

The back of the hill said...

Yes, I am heartless and brutal as regards Republicans. Screw them.

I haven't seen Pave since sometime in 2012, and Lucca defriended himself back in mid-2016, after I objected to several rather repulsive racist rightwing statements he had made.

Both of them I do not miss.

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