Wednesday, October 30, 2024


Rain has entered the forecast, there is a prospect of precipitation ahead. Either late tonight or tomorrow sometime. Though it probably won't amount to much, it is colder. Earlier an old woman had told that it was quite warm. I suspect that the white flower lotion she had rubbed all over herself fooled her senses. Frankly, I was freezing when I smoked my pipe after lunch (which was mediocre). A cold blast of arctic air, oh woe is me that pipe aficionados have to shiver outdoors while vegan anti-smoking communists rejoice in comforting warmth inside.

Woe! Woe!

Anyhow, got my shopping done, and hastened back home. I didn't feel like any of the usual places for tea. Instead I put the pot on the stove and fixed myself a strong cuppa Ceylon, which I took with me into the outside stairwell to drink with a pipe.

It's over thirty degrees Fahrenheit warmer in Hong Kong and Singapore. Which is actually too hot, but that sounds rather nice to me in this frigid wasteland, with frozen penguins and walruses everywhere, their unrotting carcasses litter the far horizon, ice-block solid till Spring, whereupon either they will pong to high heaven or the street people will feast, and politicians will be outraged that the city allowed this to happen, vote for me, we must do something about this! Common sense! Stop the waste!
A double bagger with sliced fresh ginger added. Warms the tired old bones.

It's probably time for a nap now.

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