Wednesday, October 02, 2024


It strikes me that conversations in this country are far too civil. What happened to the fine tradition of calling people out for being insane? Or simply too ignorant to have anything worthwhile going on up there? Back in my parents' day, when someone spouted batshit drivel, people did not hesitate to tell him or her "you are nuts and should be locked up".
Or sternly warning them that one step closer to the children might result in mayhem.

Nowadays, cognizant of the right of even loopy Christian extremists to have opinions, we have become far too tolerant of them actually voicing them. This really has to stop.
It's poisoning the discourse.

Item one: "The earth is flat."
No it jolly well isn't you loon.

Item two: "I'm looking for a biblical woman."
Marry your darn dog, you demented retard.

Item three: "There are nano chips in the vaccines."
You failed high school science, you are failing at life, now shut the Jayzus up before people think you and I are pals or you attract other morons of a similar idiotic bent.
I may kick you in the goolies if you say one more word.

See? That's much better than patiently listening to John Boy blathering on and on, on his deranged tangent, using words of which he can not possibly know the meaning, smirkingly self-satisfied at having an audience for his waves of wisdom. What's that nonsense about patiently by rational argument convincing him otherwise? He's an idiot. Just shut him up, decisively. Threaten violence if you have to. Sending him back weeping to his mental basement will clear the air marvelously.

Of course I realize that this will silence a large part of this country. Christians, very many southerners, folks in Placer County, Florida, and Texas, and possibly some decent but bafflingly ignorant humans too, but that's a cross we should be willing to bear.
I know I am.

By the way, anytime someone starts mewing about the children, butterflies, yoga, gluten, or all natural macrobiotic honey and apple cider vinegar they need to be slapped down too; the adults are talking (or not), dear, play with your dolls.
It's raining outside. "That's just your opinion." Shove it, dude. I'm soaked.

"The moon landing was staged." You, sir, are a fool.

"Ancient aliens." Good lord you're dense.

"Shirley MacLaine." Shut. Up.

You can probably understand why I do not go to North Beach coffee shops anymore, or visit Berkeley. And I no longer watch teevee. Not doing so additionally saves me a lot of money, aside from being good for my mental health.

BTW: I am going to get my flu shot and the latest Covid booster soon. No, I shan't consider all-natural alternatives or ancient herbal medicine instead.

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All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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