Tuesday, October 01, 2024


It's going to be a bitch of a day. The temperature in SF is likely to head over ninety degrees Fahrenheit, around thirty three Celsius. Optimum for me is low sixties to seventy. This puts a bit of a crimp on my plans. Laundry and bank early, then act like a limp boiled vegetable till sundown. Around mid evening head out for jollification, and cups of tea.

Warmer than Hong Kong and Jakarta at this time of year.
So I'm expecting cholera, typhoid, and malaria.
And dockworkers weakly rioting.

That is of course an exaggeration.
Normally on Tuesday I head over to C'town at some point for a late lunch around tea time. But what with west-facing eateries and one-storey buldings, and a whole host of kvetchy old grumpers wearing too much because they don't have internet and can't sense extremes of heat anymore due to age -- and sweating kitchen staff suffering in poorly ventilated working environments -- that may not be a good idea. I myself have a hard time understanding that I'm overheating and will be miserable because of it within an hour.
Aside from it making food far less enjoyable.

If, contrary to my own better judgement, I do end up going out, I will still have my milk tea hot. Because. Cold milk tea is for silly young things. An adult man who does not sport meaningful tattoos and is dressed like a human does not indulge in boba sludgies.

Unlike many of my younger fellow-citizens I shall not be poncing around in lingerie or skimpy ripped tee-shirts and jeans shorts. I do not have a Daisy Duke thing going on.

Long pants. Clean shirt. Pipe.

One can well understand how so many English people with no self control went to pieces in the tropics, swilling gin and tonics and fruity mixed drinks before passing out on the billiard table in the club or assaulting the staff when the ice bucket was empty, but one does not do that. And unlike the hippies of a bygone era one will not search for oneself or flashes of insight while lounging in a dhoti under a banyan tree. Om, you bozos, om.

No more gin pahits for you.

At least in Calcutta, with exactly the same temperature range as San Francisco presently, they can expect light rain showers. We have no such gentle amelioration.
We'll have to tough it out.

It will be over one hundred Fahrenheit upriver in Muddy Estuary Kuala Lumpur Sacramento. There are headhunters and cannibals there, among the colonials, gangsters, and politicians.

Rabbit rabbit.

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