Sunday, October 13, 2024


Sometimes my eyes play tricks on me. Briefly. Their slight of hand does not fool me. I knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that it was NOT a dead or sleeping bat. For one thing, they do not cuddle up on the bathroom carpet. For another, they are nocturnal, and it was after dark. And on the third hand, what would a bat be doing there, and how would it enter? Upon further inspection I saw that it was a discarded rubber glove, black and small, such as a woman with two elegant hands might use while engaged upon surface cleaning activities while I was at work.

My apartment mate, for instance.

Repeat: not a bat. Well darn.

There are several adorable bats in chance-shot videos on the internet.

Bats are by far a better subject than, for instance, prostates. Which remarkably came up several times today. A conversation that took place nearby: 'some times you slowly wake up in the middle of the night because your bladder requests relief. But in the twenty minutes before you are finally actually awake enough to go to the bathroom, your undermind keeps saying "don't pee, clench, don't pee. Then when it's finally time to pee, your prostate says "hah, not so fast, you loser". And refuses, absolutely refuses, to cooperate and allow any passage. So it might take another twenty minutes of embarrasing and painful discomfort while you hop from one foot to the other artistically in slow-motion, swearing under your breath because you don't want to wake the kids. And then, finally, apathetic piddling!'
Not having kids, I can just imagine. I have entitled the painting above 'flooded plain'. I hope it doesn't trigger anyone. Especially not the two gentleman involved in the discussion, neither the hopping one nor the fellow who has decided to just have it out, it's too much trouble, best get rid of the little fellow. His operation is at the end of the month.

I did not contribute to the small talk. Though I could have changed the subject. By mentioning the sebaceous cyst on my back, upper right hand side, or the test results of my recent physical. If we were going to keep the subject at hand medical.

The prostate is a walnut-sized organ that hides under the bladder.
As a man ages it becomes more temperamental.
No banana for scale.

Recent weather has not affected the prostate.
So I see no reason to dwell upon it.
It's not worth discussing.

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