Monday, October 07, 2024


A friend who used to be a bartender and now does something else which I don't know what is outraged that we broke heat records yesterday. And he doesn't know whom to harangue and lambaste because of it. I can sympathise. I really feel his pain. Which is hot and sticky.

I too am outraged. I'm blaming potheads, healthfreaks, and republicans.

There's an A shirt soaking in a bucket of water right now.

It's part of my Stanley Kowalski phase.

Limited to A shirts.

Heat garb.

Apparently New Orleans has been a couple of degrees cooler than San Francisco this past week. What the hey, man, what the hey.

Heretofore I had never thoughtof New Orleans as civilized.
I saw 'Streetcar Named Desire', I know what it's like.
Sweaty hicks, yobbos, and highly-strung women.

Must be the heat, it affects the mind.

That probably explains why most of the world is out of their mind. They had to get out.
Mental nudity is cooling.

There are probably dried-out cattle cadavers up and down Market Street right now.
Parched and dehydrated in the heat. The cowboys too.
The supply of Bud Light gave out on them.
There are no mint julepts.

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